Internet Addiction – Signs, Symptoms, Dependency, Treatment and Recovery

Internet addiction is a worldwide problem and growing every day. With the growth of the internet and effortless access, this addiction is “viral” in its own right. Many internet addicts are teenagers or young adults. In China as many as 15% of youngsters are addicted to this activity. Hong Kong posts disturbing numbers. It is estimated that 40% of the youth population there is addicted! For the U. S., estimates indicate that we have 20 million internet addicts, with the rate going up 25% yearly. According to a University of Maryland study released last year, many college students are addicted to the internet (1).

Internet usage is a strong visual stimulus to the brain. CT Scans of internet gamblers have detected dopamine release similar to that seen in crack addicts. It is reasonable to assume that this condition is mediated through the pleasure center of the brain. Dopamine is the major neurotransmitter involved with the pleasure center. The internet provides not only visual stimulation but tactile and auditory as well. This complex problem undoubtedly involves multiple neurotransmitters and other parts of the brain besides the “pleasure center.”

Current estimates state that being online over 20 hours a week may be considered addiction. This would exclude someone who uses the internet in their work.

Detox, withdrawal and cravings with these persons are a real phenomenon. They believe that the only way they can be “connected” socially or intellectually is when they are online. Depression, anxiety, a feeling of isolation and frustration are common symptoms when addicts cannot access the internet.

The harmful side effects of this problem can be disastrous. Many school-age children neglect their studies, playing internet games or socializing online, undoubtedly contributing to high dropout rates and poor grades. Internet addiction is linked to ADHD and depression in teens (2). Reading comprehension and writing abilities all suffer due to internet abuse/addiction. This problem can damage relationships and families. When one considers online gambling or online pornography, you are looking at a real nightmare. These addictions can result in financial ruin or imprisonment.

Current treatment for this horrible addiction is in the infancy stages and involves behavioral and cognitive approaches. It is believed that the medical community must realize that this serious disorder causes chemical and electrical changes in the brain. There have been studies which have shown that repeated visual images in children can change the anatomy of the brain. Countless hours on the internet undoubtedly change the brain qualitatively and quantitatively.

Counseling is common for this problem and there are support groups available. The medical community has been slow to identify this as an addiction and medical treatment is not typically used for this quandary. Naturally, insurance companies are hesitant to offer any type of coverage to treat this or any other addictive disease.

Alternative medical treatment for internet addiction is a logical approach to this wide-spread problem. There are naturally occurring herbs and supplements that can help to normalize the chemical and electrical changes that take place during ongoing addiction. These natural herbs and supplements are non-addictive and can be taken in the privacy of one’s home, maintaining confidentiality.

This type of treatment should probably continue for at least two years. The majority of individuals with internet addiction were exposed at an early age. The changes this caused in their brain would take a considerable period of time to reverse. The recovering individual would have to be careful with any internet activity during the recovery period.

Any recovery plan should probably include some type of 12-Step Program. The 12-Step Program is a classic venue for behavioral therapy. These programs have been around since 1935 and they work. All of the 12-Step Programs resemble the AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) model. These groups provide needed support and put the recovering person in contact with individuals who have similar problems.


1. Tyger Latham, Psy.D. July 26, 2011. Can You Really Become Addicted to the Internet? 8/5/11.

2. Amanda MacMillian. Oct. 05, 2009. Internet Addiction Linked to ADHD, Depression in Teens. CNN Health. 9/4/11.

Is Technology Killing Creativity?

It is impossible for technology to kill creativity. Creativity always precedes technology. The notion that technology can kill creativity is like worrying that a tree can kill the sun. Creativity is the force that drives technology.

What is creativity?

Common definition: ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking. If you can’t digest all that easily, don’t worry. I couldn’t either. There are many definitions of creativity and they are all complex and wordy but I think Einstein said it best. “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” That’s creativity in a nutshell. (Einstein, quoted in Creativity, Design and Business Performance.)

Perceptions of the creative type

The term creative, when applied to a human usually provokes the image of the artistic type: the writer, the musician, and the painter among others. And conversely, it is often assumed that the engineer, businessman, or scientist is not creative, but it can be quite the opposite. In my observation it is more often than not the successful person who is creative, not a particular type of person. When looking at the definition of creativity you can see that creativity is not the ability to draw well, or have long hair, but the ability to produce something new whether it be a song or a better business model or a safer car. All of these advances come from creative minds.

Creativity is the ability to solve problems in a unique way and is not limited to the arts. The fine arts are more about self-expression and not necessarily problem solving. In any case, creativity in expression and problem solving has been greatly enhanced and unleashed by technology.

Creativity always precedes technology

When man first observed that a sharp stick could kill an animal or be used to pick his teeth he was making that leap from observing to being creative. Someone had to have the idea of using a log as a roller before they actually used it that way. Then came the Roller 2.0 or Wheel 1.0 depending on who you ask. The point is that the wheel didn’t stop creativity, creativity gave us the wooden wheel, then the wagon wheel, then the bicycle tire, then the car tire…

Apparent loss of Creativity

You may hear people lamenting the loss of creativity, but that is only a perceived loss of creativity. People love citing the abundance of bad books, unoriginal art, crappy videos, and terrible songs found on the Internet but they are wrong. There are more people expressing creativity today than ever before in history. Don’t confuse quantity and creative expression with quality. Furthermore, while it may appear that the quality of creative output has suffered a serious decline, it hasn’t. There are just so many people expressing themselves creatively, and we have access to it all, so it seems that there is nothing out there but a mountain of crap. In my experience there is significantly more quality creative output available than ever before.

Creativity needs inspiration

We have a lot of that available now. 24 hours a day we can find inspiration in the form of books, blogs, images, movies, music, art, photographs, you name it. Inspiration is very important to creativity and despite the wealth of electronic inspiration available, this is one area where I can see the danger of creativity being stunted by technology.

Hands on experience is vital to creativity. You can’t adequately describe a pounding jungle rain, or the feeling of walking past an abandoned house alone at night, or the smell of a bathroom at a gas station, unless you’ve experienced them. There are so many smells, feelings, sensations, etc. which make you a much better creator that you just can’t get from sitting in front of a screen. The fuel of artistic creativity is inspiration and the ingredients for inspiration are knowledge and experience. We have a vast amount of knowledge at our fingertips. We just have to make sure we have plenty of real-life experience. The loss of inspiration can diminish creativity but that is a case of technology distracting us from tactile sources of inspiration, not replacing or destroying creativity.

Will technology replace the artist?

Technology will not replace the artist (at least not in the near future) or creative types; it in fact requires more of us. A programmer can write more complex and refined code that will do many mundane functions, even mimicking creativity, but that ability to mimic is nothing more than coded instructions and there is a limit to what they can do. Real human creativity can make leaps and jumps and associations that a program can’t.

For example, there are applications that can take a photo and make it look like a hand sketched portrait, and they can look very, very convincing. These programs are prime examples of technology and its limits. No matter how good the program, there are still many decisions that a human will make differently, whereas the computer plows on through carrying out all of its instructions in the same exact way each time. What’s being coded is a mechanical process, not creativity. In the case of the sketch programs, an artist sat with a programmer and they studied pictures together. The artist explained to the programmer that given certain aspects and elements of an image he would sketch or draw them in a certain way. He might explain hundreds of variables and how they apply to shadow and light. The programmer then wrote the code that will analyze lights and darks, contrast, colors, and even focus and density of detail. But when a series of images are fed through it the program will approach the task the exact same way each time whereas an artist will always do something different. They might be in a good or bad mood that day, maybe biased towards eyes and not lips, or have trouble drawing nostrils, or the picture evokes a certain reaction, not to mention the training and personal background of the artist. All contribute to the uniqueness of the piece.

Creativity is being accelerated by technology, not stifled

Photoshop and Word are both pieces of software that make creating vastly easier and quicker, and feature tools that can do some of the mechanical work for us, but they don’t replace creativity. Just as Leonardo Da Vinci used the best tools and techniques of his day, artists having progressed past rubbing dirt and ash on cave walls, are also moving past paints and brushes and using tablets and touch screens. Technology changes, creativity doesn’t.

We are losing the arts

There is something very substantial feeling about an old oil painting or antique book and I mourn their diminishment in the modern world. But those are losses of technology and not creativity.

We are evolving our processes. I hate to see the dark room go the way of the telephone booth. I remember working in a dark room and I loved the atmosphere, but that is all personal and sentimental. Besides, there will always be diehard traditionalist that will keep the old ways alive, just as there are still those who like to handcraft wood, leather, and participate in other archaic processes for the satisfaction of it and to keep the old ways alive. I am not saying it’s a good thing that processes are dying off, quite the contrary. I think it is important for a myriad of reasons to keep old processes alive. But there are many benefits to the evolution of these processes.

The barrier of cost and accessibility have plummeted for almost any creative endeavor. Writing, art, music, photography, you name it and technology has made it cheap, even free, to express oneself.

I am not sure of the ecological impact, but all those chemicals used in the dark room were often dumped down the drain. Books were hand typed, and even when computers and email attachments were first coming out, publishers still expected a submitting author to print a manuscript and mail it to them. That took days and hundred dollars which is insane to even consider today. My last novel was read and edited by several people worldwide, even the cover was designed by an artist far away from where I live. I easily and relatively cheaply published a professional quality novel. The creative content, my expression of creativity, may be up for debate, but all other aspects of the novel were done as well as, or even better than, any publisher could have done. This was not even dreamed of just a short time ago and I used no paper, shipping, ink, etc.

And it’s not just barriers of cost and accessibility but audience. Recently if you were to get a book published you had to convince a publisher you had a huge audience. Now you can publish a book because you want to, or for a niche audience. How to Wash Your Llama might do well in certain circles.

So our tools make the job easier, but do they require less talent? No, and the reason there are so many lesser talented artists in circulation is because there is such a high demand for content. But that’s great news for artists. Artists don’t have to be the starving artist anymore. As an artist; whether you are a writer, artist, designer, musician, voice over talent – you can work from anywhere in the world. You can sell your art online, get hired to do jobs, even leverage your success to create more success.

I am old enough to remember cameras that used film, televisions that were black and white, and phones that were attached to the wall and worse still, phones could only be used as phones. And I remember what it took to attempt to get a book published. The people getting published weren’t the best writers, they were the best at facing a mind-numbingly complex and boring job that could take years and would likely lead to nothing. And self-publishing was ridiculous. Even if you had the thousands of dollars it took to do even a small print run you hadn’t even scratched the surface of getting a book marketed, distributed, and sold. Many would-be authors ended up with a garage full of books they couldn’t give away.

Today companies like Create Space have removed virtually every barrier there ever was to writing and publishing a book except for one – the ability to actually write the book. It is infinitely faster and less expensive now to get a book beta read, edited, cover designed, and made available for the world to buy. In the quest to publish my own works, I’ve spoken with writers who have spent hundreds or even thousands marketing a book and generated almost no sales. I’ve also talked to several that just put the book out there and word of mouth and good reviews led to more and more sales.

One in particular has a tale similar to mine. He spent twenty years having the publishers and agents telling him, “No thanks.”

They all had reasons not to publish him and most were contradictory to the other. Too long, too short, too many characters, or not enough characters. He started self-publishing about five years ago and has since quit his job and writes fulltime. People love his books, the very same books that all the “professionals” said would never make it. And the funny thing is, those same publishers have come back to him wanting the rights to publish his work. He said, “No.”

Why would he sign away his rights and get a fraction of the book sales so a publisher could make money? With a good book, almost no marketing is required, but that of course is the exception, not the rule. But even an incredibly bad book can make money in this new world. In the publisher’s defense, publishing a book was hugely expensive and they had to pick winners, books that would sell a large number of copies.

I have read a few really bad, crazy, or ridiculous books and enjoyed them. Maybe laughing at them as they were so bad, but still I paid and the author got some money. There are books that were written so intentionally ridiculous that maybe 400 people will ever read them, but those books would never have seen the light of day previously and never, ever have made a penny. But one terribly silly book today can be enjoyed by a few hundred people and net the author a few dollars. In addition the world has a small, very unique book available to it that otherwise it wouldn’t have.

We are in a Renaissance unlike anything since the 1700′s. Much of what we love was birthed in the creative Renaissance: the novel, female writers, etc. Software, computers, technology itself, are tools and creative people always use tools, well, more creatively. If a piece of software is released that does a supposedly creative task and suddenly everyone can do that task, the creative and talented person is going to use that tool more effectively and to a better end than most others.

I came up with the idea for my most successful book because I realized that traditionally trained artists weren’t using the full power of available technology and self taught artists who learned on the computer lacked basic art skills. You need both to truly excel.

The more creative we are, the more technology progresses which in turn allows us to be more creative.

Technology is removing barriers to creativity, not replacing it.

Promote Your Network Marketing Business Online

You have probably heard a lot lately about how to promote your network marketing business online. The writing on the wall seems so clear since so many businesses are turning toward the Internet for marketing purposes. Is this just a passing fancy or is the use of the Web’s technology here to stay? In this article, I will show that the Internet provides six key advantages compared to marketing the old-fashioned way (magazines, newspaper, TV, radio, one-to-one, buying leads, etc.)

Number one: Attracting customers vs. chasing down customers

The old-school methods of finding a new customer or distributor for your network marketing company involved making a list of your warm market-friends, family and business associates-and then “pitching” your business on them. This was usually done belly-to-belly and did not benefit from any of the technology available today. The old rule was anyone within three feet of you was a prospect. In fact, this was not a very effective way to “attract” the right prospect. Traditional businesses have used methods to attract targeted traffic-such as well-constructed ads. You need to start marketing like traditional businesses have always done. The good news is that there are many other effective ways to attract your targeted market than just paid advertising.

Number two: Attract qualified leads

Many newcomers to network marketing will put together that warm list and hope it leads to their business building. Some will get lucky with just the right person in that list that will in turn have a huge targeted list or be a super recruiter and be able to run fast with building. Most people will not be so lucky. Then, once they run through their warm list, what do they do now? This is your business! You need to be more discriminating as to who you want to be on your team. You don’t want anyone who can “fog a mirror.” You want the very best team members to accomplish your and your team’s business goals. You must get better qualified prospects. One good way to do this (scientifically) is to actually decide who your target market is and then be able to attract that audience to you. That’s attraction marketing. With these laser-targeted prospects, you will have a better chance of building a successful and lasting business. This process can be automated as you continue to promote your network marketing business online.

Number three: Use leverage when you prospect

One of the main benefits touted by the network marketing industry is the leveraged income that can develop as you build a team. If you work by yourself, you have very little leverage. But like any business, you can grow faster and bigger if you employ leverage-either other people’s money (bank’s) or other people’s time (employees). In the case of network marketing, we leverage a team. It’s the best of both worlds: you are an independent distributor responsible primarily only for your own action, but you can also benefit by build a team of distributors. What’s generally not taught in the old-school of network marketing is how to START with leverage in the recruiting process. They would teach you to talk to one person at a time, whether they are targeted or not. That is not leverage! With the power of the Internet and social media, you can start off your business with leverage and build it bigger and faster. Now that makes a lot of sense, especially since network marketers talk so fondly of leverage.

Number four: build your business beyond your backyard

Again, with traditional methods, you would build local and have hotel meetings for your downline. That’s all well and good and should be done even today. But what about the fact that with the Internet, the whole world can be your “backyard?” Well, okay, maybe your company in not open for business in the whole world, but at least throughout your country. That’s still a lot bigger than your own town. The key is to learn how to use the social media platforms to build relationships with people worldwide. Offer value to these contacts and you will make friends and build connections.

Number five: build your business on budget

Most small business owners start part-time, which means they don’t have a lot of time or money. If you decide to fly all over the continent to support your new team member or drive 500 miles to participate in an Expo, you will be spending more money than you are making. Having a clear marketing budget is critical for network marketers, primarily because they are inexperienced and will make mistakes. Most will not start making the big bucks they dream about. You have to be realistic and you have to be patient. The Internet allows you to reach out globally to a huge audience if you learn how-on a budget. In fact, many of the marketing techniques employed by Internet marketers are free. But they do require you time and planning. So, they are really not free after all.

Number six: spice up your primary income source with multiple streams of income

A smart business owner knows that capital is required to start their new venture. Small business owners who don’t have deep pockets of capital must find alternative ways of funding their operations until their business starts to produce sufficient cash flow. The same is true for network marketers. The starry-eyed newbie starts their new network marketing company blissfully thinking the money will start rolling in. After a couple months go by, they may be thinking “show me the money.” After a few more months go by they may be thinking of throwing in the towel. This doesn’t have to happen if they are taught to introduce a “retail product” upfront in their online marketing model to generate at least some cash flow while they build out their distribution.

There are many pieces of this online marketing puzzle. Like a finely tuned machine, if one piece is missing or mis-firing, the whole thing may fail. One challenge for most people is cutting though the clutter of offers that profess to teach you how to promote your network marketing business. The bad news is that no one system will instantly cure your problems. To be successful with online marketing, you must be willing to learn how to put together your own unique marketing plan called a sales funnel. It must inject clarity into your every action so that you know exactly what to do everyday and at the same time guide you to be laser focused working only with the tools that are part of YOUR plant. You will be successful once you reach this level of clarity.

Legitimate Work From Home Jobs, Can You Really Make Money Online?

Can You Really Make Money Online?

This is the question of the day! Is it really possible to find legitimate work online, and make money doing it? How can you tell if it’s a scam or not? So many things sound too easy and too good to be true. How does someone like me, with no real knowledge of how all this computer stuff really works, dive in and find real work that you can do from home, with the goal of being able to bring in a substantial income? Does any of this hit home with you?

Hopefully, if you’ve been wondering the same thing, I can provide you with some information that will help. I’ve been searching and experimenting for a while. My real frustration in my searching was that I just wanted someone, some site to just be 100% up front in what to do and how to do it, what the “work” involves and how much you’d get paid. I don’t want to click here, and go there, and the next thing you know you’re in a maze of flashing webpages making ridiculous offers, and each one is THE BEST offer or scheme out there, limited time only, for you only, today only. Most of all I seriously hate the pages you click on, then when you try to exit 3 or 4 more annoying pop-up pages keep asking you if you’re sure you want to leave. YES I want to leave, that’s why I clicked the big red X. Can you feel me here?

While searching I decided to Google legitimate jobs, and work at home scams. If you’ve done this as well, unfortunately you may find yourself watching a YouTube video of someone addressing a scam, that at the end of the video is selling you the very product you were researching. Clever, clever sales tactic, but again, very annoying when you just want a simple straight answer. What is real out there, and what types of internet marketing schemes, or data entry jobs are legitimate, and can provide you with a decent, or even decadent source of income?

Well, don’t lose heart my friends, the answer is yes, there are real jobs online to be found, and I’ll offer you some of the knowledge I’ve gained to this point, and the benefit of my scam research! There is actually a large variety of real jobs to choose from, I’ll explain some of the choices and options available to you if you’ve been thinking about working from home.

Now is there one that will make you get rich quick? That’s not likely, despite what a lot of the sites try to sell you. It’s not impossible, just improbable. Most of the people that profess to have made a bizillion dollars in a week, have probably put a lot of money into advertising and websites up front. If you’re like me, you don’t have a ton of money to invest, that’s why we’re looking for work online!! There are online data entry companies that are legitimate, and if you are patient, and follow their business model EXACTLY, it is very possible to make $300 or more a day, and build a long lasting residual income with low maintenance. It will take a couple of months to really see any progress, depending on the time you have to invest, but it is possible.

There are several legitimate online data entry companies that partner with Fortune 500 companies and 1000′s of smaller businesses through which you can do traditional data entry jobs from home. If you’ve never had any experience doing these types of word processing, most of the companies that you would work through provide you with the training to do the job. These types of data entry jobs most often pay you on an hourly scale, much like if you were working for them in an office setting. Legitimate online companies are the real deal, provide literally thousands of job opportunities, all the training, and support teams to help you with any questions. The best comparison would be that working through one of these companies is similar to being employed through a Temp agency.

Many people make money online by writing and advertising through posting articles, submitting websites and ads to the internet, or selling services or their products as an affiliate marketer. Most companies, small to fortune 500 will pay you a commission for products or services that are sold through your ads or posts on the internet. This is basically what an affiliate does. Some companies pay you just for someone clicking on the ad, even if they don’t make a purchase. The key to being successful in this type of online income is in traffic and having your sites or blogs seen. This is an eventual process, one needs to make a blog or post daily, and everyday do something to promote your place on the web to get your postings ranked higher in the search engines. It’s not realistic to think that thousands of people will just happen to visit your site the day after you create it, and even more unrealistic to think that even half of them might buy what you’re pushing!

Now don’t be scared if any of this language sounds foreign to you. A reputable online business will teach you step by step every skill and avenue that you would need to be successful. You can make money from home by doing “Home Typing”, but it is a gradual thing that requires a little organization and patience. The best thing is that if you decide to use the services of a good online data entry portal, they teach you how to do everything on the internet by using FREE sites. There are ways to create and advertise on the internet without having to invest a ton of money.

Another avenue that many people pursue to make money online is network marketing, or Multi Level marketing. This type of work involves recruiting other people into your business and sales, either of certain products or sales of the business itself, which would involve a lot of advertising and follow up. If you’re a go-getter and into sales, and have money to spend on marketing, there are actually a couple of legitimate network marketers to explore, and there is big money to be made, but it does require effort. This kind of business has made millionaires, but it is a numbers game in a competitive market and it is necessary to recruit constantly, and have good follow up skills as well to keep new members under you involved and productive.

If you’re searching the web, and you run across an offer that sounds too good to be true, I urge you to proceed with caution! Read all the fine print and terms and conditions. Many times a site will claim that it’s free to get started, or that all you have to do is fill out surveys, etc. What they won’t tell you is that in order to get paid that you may be required to complete 10 trial offers from the survey companies, and in a month’s time you’ll suddenly have monthly service charges or charges for products and subscriptions showing up on your credit card. Protect yourself, be careful in your searches, read, read, read all the fine print and terms, and good luck to you if you’re out there searching for alternative income.

The Internet is a huge new world, and people are coming up with new avenues of making money online every day. My advice would be that if you find something you’re interested in, don’t join right off the bat, even if their ad says “You’ll never see this offer again”! This is just a marketing ploy playing on our response to urgency, the hurry before it’s too late offer that makes us want to buy now. Give yourself time to do a thorough search on Google or YouTube regarding any offers you’re interested in. You will undoubtably have to wade through a lot of sales pitches, but some people and sites out there give you honest reviews of all the details regarding online businesses.

The bottom line is, can you make money online? Yes, it’s a huge world out there, and people are doing it every day, from traditional jobs to outrageous marketing schemes, there’s something out there for everybody!

Accent Furniture or Occasional Furniture – The Difference

What is the difference between accent furniture and occasional furniture? Many people are unsure of this, but does it really matter and what makes an item ‘occasional’ or ‘accent?’ the terms are not truly definable, but can be explained by offering examples or by describing the function of each – so both ways are used here so that you can understand the relative terms when you hear them used.

Accent or Occasional Furniture – Does It Matter?

Does terminology really matter? Generally no, but it can do if people use the term to you in conversation or even when you are looking for new furniture for your home. However, in general terms it does not matter at all whether your table is described as an accent table or an occasional table.

In some cases occasional and accent furniture can be the same – but to say that, the definition of these terms must first be agreed. The term ‘accent’ should be easy to understand – just like an accent in language, furniture of this type should emphasize a certain style, such as a statue of the jackal-headed god Anubis in an Egyptian-themed room – a home accent need not be furniture!

Examples of Occasional Furniture

Coffee tables and end tables are examples of occasional furniture. There are alternative definitions for this type of furniture, the two most common being furniture that is used ‘on an occasion,’ and furniture that is used only ‘occasionally.’

Each of these definitions is so broad, that they could practically be said to be fundamentally the same. The former definition would include coffee tables, used on the occasion of drinking coffee – or any other beverage or drink. It would also include all furniture used in a lounge used only when visitors arrive, or even in a spare guest room. Definitions are a poor way to describe furniture.

The second definition used ‘occasionally’ would refer to exactly the same furniture, but also include rockers, particularly the old-style hickory rockers that you might use occasionally when in the mood. You might occasionally use an ottoman to sit on if all the family arrived to visit. Quite frankly, definitions are needless when people know what occasional furniture is.

It is not a sofa or armchair, and is not a dining table or a bed. Fundamentally, occasional furniture comprises the minor pieces that support the principal items of furniture in a room. The tables mentioned above are two examples, as are other functional pieces such as the lift chair that is used only when an elderly relative visits or chest, nightstands and ottomans that are occasionally in use.

Examples of Accent Furniture

Often referred to as ‘accent pieces,’ accent furniture is used to add character to a room or to emphasize a theme – such as the Anubis statue mentioned earlier. A chess table used for decoration is accent furniture, as is a decorative small round table holding a vase of flowers or a reed diffuser. An accent piece is generally smaller in size than the main furniture in a room, and often has little practical use other than a decorative one.

A small table in an entrance hall is accent furniture, along with a chest in a hallway and a large free standing globe in a home office. It sets a theme or a mood, emphasizes a trend or even complements the purpose of a room such as an ornate oriental footstool in a living room.

These are definitions of accent furniture and occasional furniture in the eyes of many people, but if you asked any individual for their own definition they would either be unable to answer or would likely offer a different one.

You can use accent furniture to complement the decorative style of a room, and this type of home furniture is most commonly found in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and hallways. It is rare in a kitchen, since most kitchen furniture is functional, and even rarer in bathrooms although large bathrooms can be enhanced by accent furniture in the form of free standing toiletry racks or carousels for lotions and decoratively colored bath salts.

Much occasional furniture is completely functional and used regularly, such as ottomans used with recliners and coffee tables that are in daily use. The terms are given, not to define the pieces, but to establish a compartment that separates such smaller items from the larger forms of furniture common to specific types of room such as the jewelry cabinet from the dresser and the end table from the sofa.

How you define the respective terms of occasional furniture and accent furniture is your choice – there is no rule, and in this case definitions do not really matter.

Automotive Advertising Agencies Should Attend the 2010 NADA Convention to Listen and Learn

Automotive advertising agencies have been forced to take on additional responsibilities in today’s troubled economy. As the President of national network of independent affiliated automotive advertising agencies and the host of an auto industry social networking resource portal I recently promoted the 2010 NADA Convention on my blog talk radio show as a real world venue similar to the online resources that I rely on to listen and learn and contribute to so I can presume to teach.

I consider the NADA convention as a must attend event for automotive advertising agencies, auto dealers, auto industry vendors and decision makers that regularly tune in to listen and learn from the auto industry experts regularly featured on various online resources. The NADA Convention is the real world version of online social networking communities focused on sharing best practices for the auto industry and a perfect platform to make new friends and connect with old ones in both the real and the virtual world.

The NADA Convention is a means to stay ahead of the competition by learning about the new Internet technologies and applications being introduced by the vendors and speakers that will be featured at the convention. The 2010 NADA Convention is being held in Orlando, Florida this February 12th. through February 15th., 2010 at the Orlando Convention Center. Additional information on the convention is available at their site — NADA.Org — and their online pre-registration savings of $50 -$75 has been extended to January 27th., 2010. I strongly advise anyone seeking to survive in today’s consolidating auto industry to register before the deadline to take advantage of the discount with the confidence that your investment of your time and money will provide a R.O.I. that can’t be duplicated by any online auto industry-centric venue; including my own.

My affiliated agencies are connected by a proprietary online communication/distribution system I developed in December of 2001. I designed the operating system that links this national network of independent businesses as a means to leverage the resources of the participating automotive advertising agencies, production partners and select vendors to allow them to compete with national automotive advertising agencies. The resulting savings in fixed and semi-variable expenses coupled with access to a wide variety of production and creative resources for the member agencies was made possible through their use of several online technologies that were developed to support the growing World Wide Web.

I reference this history as evidence that I have practiced what I now preach. These same technologies must be applied to the internal processes of auto dealerships to allow them to survive in a consolidating auto industry. The combination of the resulting efficiencies realized in technology enhanced selling systems in brick and mortar auto dealerships integrated with their online showrooms, and the newly developing applications being applied by automotive advertising agencies to promote their auto dealer clients on the Internet, is the key to profitability today and survival tomorrow.

The NADA Convention allows auto industry vendors to present new cutting edge applications to auto dealers and automotive advertising agencies who are anxious to gain an advantage over the competition. More importantly, in a consolidating auto industry auto dealers must sell more for less to satisfy budget conscious and better educated online car buyers and the technology being applied to sell vehicles on the Internet Super Highway is the way to do it in a scalable and cost effective manner!

The blog talk radio station featured on my portal is another example of how a new technology platform can enhance the reach and performance of an automotive advertising agency in today’s Internet driven marketplace. I use various blog talk radio shows as an online communication system for my network to share best practices and new vendor applications with site visitors surfing the web to get the inside story on the auto industry. In addition, my shows attract new vendors anxious to tell their story to the decision makers who follow me on the World Wide Web which allows me to review cutting edge automotive advertising applications before competing agencies know that they exist.

Several vendor clients of mine were discovered during their online reviews and most of them will be represented at the NADA Convention. Why? Because the NADA Convention is the perfect real world venue to launch new products and services and this year is no exception.

Automotive advertising agencies know that they must apply cutting edge automotive advertising technologies to their online marketing plans that integrate with proven selling processes in their auto dealer clients’ real and virtual world showrooms but they don’t know where to find them. Online automotive advertising focused social networking sites provide an excellent filter to find the newest and the best but the NADA Convention is the place to see them all in one place and one time in an environment where the decision makers from both the automotive advertising agency and the vendor can sit across the table and work out the best deal for both. After all, what are friends for!

Anti Aging Skin Care Product Secrets Revealed

Rule #1: Look beyond the claims of the product

While advertising is a huge influence in the skin care market, it is important to be wise in dealing with the claims of any one particular product. If the product claims to reduce fine lines and eliminate wrinkles are these claims supported by reviews of real people who have used the product and seen positive results?

One tip is to look for products that stimulate collagen production as over time, this can bring about dramatic and changes in the skin’s appearance. In addition, a product which contains a good moisturizer is crucial to relax skin tension and lock the moisture in.

Rule #2: Don’t worry about the presence of any one ingredient

With so many competing creams on the market, there’s bound to be some degree of separation in which ingredients they all contain. Instead of getting fixated on which product a skin cream “must” contain, try to see what any individual product can bring to your skin care routine.

It’s probably too much to ask for any one skin care product to be a “magic pill” for your skin, but by using a combination of products that attack the problem from different angles its easy to see how by using two or even three good skin care products your skin can easily benefit from the compound effect of all the extra nutrients and ingredients.

Some really great nutrients for skin care include Silica, Zinc, Omega-3 acids, Selenium and Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Rule #3: Avoid Irritants

Ok, so while it can be good to have a range of essential nutrients in your skin care regime, there are definitely some skin care products that you would do well to avoid. Products that irritate the skin can actually increase wrinkles and weaken the skin against protection from environmental damage, such as UV from the sun’s rays, which is most definitely NOT what you want!

The best advice here is to test. Even the slightest tingling or uncomfortable feeling on the skin resulting from using a product is the first sign of skin irritation. If this happens to you then my advice is strongly to stop using that product immediately! There are many alternatives on the market and the risks are simply not worth the cost.

Once again check the product reviews and see what others are saying. This could save you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Rule #4: Look for products that compliment your skin type

Getting to know your skin type can save you a lot of time in choosing the right products for you. This is actually a lot easier than you might expect. Basically, skin types can be broken down into four key groups: Normal, dry, oily and sensitive. There is also a combination skin type, although this is less common. Your skin will probably fall into one of these categories or have characteristics which make it more one than the other.

(One quick tip here, if you are having trouble undermining your skin type, it could pay to to visit a dermatologist who can easily tell you which category your skin type fits into.)

With this in mind, match the right skin product to your skin type and it will not only leave your skin feeling more fresh and nourished but will avoid any harmful influences that may occur from using the wrong product on your skin.

In addition to this, remember to use the product on all areas of your skin that are exposed to the sun. It’s often overlooked that it’s not only the areas around the eyes and mouth that need attention. Your neck, hands and even parts of your body such as your knees and elbows may also benefit from some tender love and care!

Rule #5: Don’t Expect Results Overnight

This goes back to the promises and claims you will see that accompany many skin care products. If I found a product that was a “miracle cure” for skin care I’d be absolutely thrilled about it! The truth is that a skin care product works in connection with your daily routine and is not really an isolated cure all by itself. You still need to protect yourself from the sun and keep on practising all the good habits which lead to healthy looking skin.

That’s not to say that you can’t see tangible results and have great success with the right product. After all, skin care needn’t be difficult and it’s certainly possible to see positive results in a matter of weeks with the right product.

Typically, in 2-3 weeks you should start to see some benefits to your skin, although for the best results a more prolonged use is recommended. Using the right product for a few months can literally transform the skin’s appearance.

The benefits of a good anti aging skin care product include smoother and more radiant skin, a more even skin tone and less reduction of wrinkles and fine lines. Not only are these goals achievable but thanks to the recent developments in the cosmetics industry they are now also within anyone’s reach.

The truth is that anti aging skin care needn’t be expensive or take lots of hard work. However, there is also a LOT of information out there and it can often be tricky to sort out what works from what doesn’t. So, to give you a head start, I’ve put together a free report of neat tips that can help you to have softer, smoother looking skin which feel great in the shortest time possible!

First, head on over to How To Have Perfect Skin (that’s the blog) and sign up for my FREE skin care report. You’ll get access to all kinds of info, packed with skin care tips and advice for younger looking skin.

Second, browse around the site for more skin care tips, techniques and reviews of and anti aging skin care products that have proven results.

Third, take the plunge! By making healthy lifestyle choices and choosing the right product you could start to see significant results towards younger looking skin in less time than you might expect.

Accent Furniture or Occasional Furniture – The Difference

What is the difference between accent furniture and occasional furniture? Many people are unsure of this, but does it really matter and what makes an item ‘occasional’ or ‘accent?’ the terms are not truly definable, but can be explained by offering examples or by describing the function of each – so both ways are used here so that you can understand the relative terms when you hear them used.

Accent or Occasional Furniture – Does It Matter?

Does terminology really matter? Generally no, but it can do if people use the term to you in conversation or even when you are looking for new furniture for your home. However, in general terms it does not matter at all whether your table is described as an accent table or an occasional table.

In some cases occasional and accent furniture can be the same – but to say that, the definition of these terms must first be agreed. The term ‘accent’ should be easy to understand – just like an accent in language, furniture of this type should emphasize a certain style, such as a statue of the jackal-headed god Anubis in an Egyptian-themed room – a home accent need not be furniture!

Examples of Occasional Furniture

Coffee tables and end tables are examples of occasional furniture. There are alternative definitions for this type of furniture, the two most common being furniture that is used ‘on an occasion,’ and furniture that is used only ‘occasionally.’

Each of these definitions is so broad, that they could practically be said to be fundamentally the same. The former definition would include coffee tables, used on the occasion of drinking coffee – or any other beverage or drink. It would also include all furniture used in a lounge used only when visitors arrive, or even in a spare guest room. Definitions are a poor way to describe furniture.

The second definition used ‘occasionally’ would refer to exactly the same furniture, but also include rockers, particularly the old-style hickory rockers that you might use occasionally when in the mood. You might occasionally use an ottoman to sit on if all the family arrived to visit. Quite frankly, definitions are needless when people know what occasional furniture is.

It is not a sofa or armchair, and is not a dining table or a bed. Fundamentally, occasional furniture comprises the minor pieces that support the principal items of furniture in a room. The tables mentioned above are two examples, as are other functional pieces such as the lift chair that is used only when an elderly relative visits or chest, nightstands and ottomans that are occasionally in use.

Examples of Accent Furniture

Often referred to as ‘accent pieces,’ accent furniture is used to add character to a room or to emphasize a theme – such as the Anubis statue mentioned earlier. A chess table used for decoration is accent furniture, as is a decorative small round table holding a vase of flowers or a reed diffuser. An accent piece is generally smaller in size than the main furniture in a room, and often has little practical use other than a decorative one.

A small table in an entrance hall is accent furniture, along with a chest in a hallway and a large free standing globe in a home office. It sets a theme or a mood, emphasizes a trend or even complements the purpose of a room such as an ornate oriental footstool in a living room.

These are definitions of accent furniture and occasional furniture in the eyes of many people, but if you asked any individual for their own definition they would either be unable to answer or would likely offer a different one.

You can use accent furniture to complement the decorative style of a room, and this type of home furniture is most commonly found in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and hallways. It is rare in a kitchen, since most kitchen furniture is functional, and even rarer in bathrooms although large bathrooms can be enhanced by accent furniture in the form of free standing toiletry racks or carousels for lotions and decoratively colored bath salts.

Much occasional furniture is completely functional and used regularly, such as ottomans used with recliners and coffee tables that are in daily use. The terms are given, not to define the pieces, but to establish a compartment that separates such smaller items from the larger forms of furniture common to specific types of room such as the jewelry cabinet from the dresser and the end table from the sofa.

How you define the respective terms of occasional furniture and accent furniture is your choice – there is no rule, and in this case definitions do not really matter.

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